Protected: How to start making the money you deserve using Dance Bites ®
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Daniil Simkin at the Hong Kong Ballet shares his unique artistry and a great sense of humor. Watch here a preview of the show!
American Ballet Theatre returns to China after 10 years with “Classics Old and New”, a program full of great contemporary & classical pieces.
As a dance teacher, choreographer or dance event planner, you may be wondering what is the best time to send an email. Here’s revealed!
Looking for some fresh ideas on how to upsell to your dance event attendees? We got 5 super interesting ideas that can inspire you!
How to make extra money as a dance teacher? Let’s discover 10 proven ways to achieve this goal easily and effortless!
How to find a sponsor for your dance event? Here we’ll show you 2 methods: the most effective DIY + the best sponsorship websites
How to retain students after a dance recital? The show went well but you never know if they will come back. Unless you try these 10 ideas!
This post will explain how to dramatically increase dance students retention for the next year with these 4 simple ideas.